Grujic/Dragas Team wins Best Cinematography 2 years in a row (Against the Rules, Exit)
Exit Wins 3 Awards
Best Cinematography Best Editing The Peoples Choice - Best Feature
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
7th Annual Von Steuben Film Festival Friday May 12th 2006 7:00 P.M. Tickets - $5 5039 N.Kimball Chicago, IL 60625
Monday, May 08, 2006
Nominated for 6 HS awards
Nominations for: -------------------- Best Actor - Marko Grujic Best Actress - Elizabeth Rasinski Best Cinematography-Feature Best Feature Best Editing-Feature Best Production Design
A player, Jimmy (Marko Grujic), finds himself eager to take advantage of a high-paying, high-risk opportunity. With the help of his partners, Ann (Elizabeth Rasinski) and Rich (James Capone), he puts together a daring plan and with the flip of a coin, he decides to carry it out. The plan backfires and the Russian mobster (Aleksandar Randjelovic) they stole $10 million from hunts them for his money.